Uncle Tommy’s Closet – A guy comes home early one day from work. And he hears weird sounds coming from his bedroom. When he gets to his room, he finds his wife naked on the bed sweating bullets. ”What the hell is going on?” he says. ”I’m having a heart attack!!” So he runs down stairs, and picks up the phone to dial 911. But as he is doing this, his four-year-old son, comes running up to him and says, ”Dad, Uncle Tommy is up stairs, hiding in your closet, and he’s naked” So he slams the phone down, and runs upstairs, to find his own brother, in the closet. The man, then says. ”What the hell are you doin? My wife is having a heart attack, and your here running around naked, scaring the kids? You shoud be ashamed of yourself!"
Tuesday, December 10
Uncle Tommy’s Closet
Dirty Jokes
1 Min Read
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