Browsing: Lawyer Jokes
What do a lawyer and a sperm have in common? – What do a lawyer and a sperm have in…
Lawyer Experiments – Q: Why have scientists started using lawyers for experiments instead of rats?A: They don’t become so attached…
Lawyers Stinkin’ Up the Place – Why do you need only two pallbearers at a lawyer’s funeral? There are only…
Lawyers in the Trees – Q: How do you get a lawyer out of a tree? A: Cut the rope.
Ten Husbands, Still a Virgin – A lawyer married a woman who had previously divorced ten husbands. On their wedding…
Christmas Bonus – Boss: Who said that just because I tried to kiss you at last month’s Christmas party, you…
Lawyers in Lust – Two lawyers are walking down the street, when a beautiful woman walks by. "Boy, I’d like…
The State of Lawyers – Q: Why does New Jersey have all the toxic waste dumps and California have all…
Lawyer vs. Snake – A snake and a lawyer both got hit by a car. What’s the difference between em?…
Substituting Rats for Lawyers – Why is the N.I.H. (National Institute of Health) substituting rats with lawyers for lab tests?…
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You’re So Ugly… Drunk – You’re so ugly, Yo’ Mama had to be drunk to…
Tarzan Sees Elephants – Q: What did Tarzan say when he saw the elephants coming?A:…
Lucky Frog – I took a day off from work to play golf. I was…
Loose Constructionists – A road construction manager needed to hire someone to paint the yellow…
Pink, Grey, & Stuck – What’s pink, grey, and can’t fit through a doorway? George…
Perv in the Lingerie Store – Q: Why did the perv go to Victoria’s Secret?A:…
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