Browsing: cats
Dogs and Cats – A boy comes home one day and runs up to his mom. "What’s a bitch and…
The Dead Dog – There was a lady, who had a dog that she loved, and he followed her everywhere.…
What, Exactly, Are Cats? – 1. Cats do what they want, when they want. 2. They rarely listen to you.…
A.J. Jamal: Free Cats – Cats are cool because you don’t have to buy them. You see them on the…
How To Bathe A Cat – I. Know that although the cat has the advantage of quickness and lack of…
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Making a Good Impression – Don’t Say This to Your New Girlfriend’s Parents… 1. My…
Rainy Day Cop – A guy gets pulled over for speeding on a rainy day.The…
Kitty Treat – What does a cat like to eat on a hot summer’s day?…
Difference between a Girl and Soap – A girl praying in the church has hope…
Loose Constructionists – A road construction manager needed to hire someone to paint the yellow…
Male Chauvinist Pig – Q: What’s worse than a male chauvinist pig?A: A woman who…
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