Hippie and the Nun – One day a Hippie gets onto a bus. He sees a beautiful nun and sits next to her. He turns too the nun and says, ”Will you have sex with me?” Surprised by the question, the Noun answers,”No!” and gets off at the next stop. After she gets off the bus the bus driver turns to the Hippie and says,”I over heard your conversation, and I think I know how you can get the Nun to have sex with you.” The Hippie asks how’. The bus driver tells him that every night at around 12 o’clock the nun goes to the cemetary and prays. If you go there and dress up as God you can demand her to have sex with you. The Hippie, happy about his new knowledge decides to dress up as God the next night and go there. When he goes there he sees the nun praying. He goes up to her and says, ”I am God, I order you to have sex with me.” The nun answers, ”Sure, but can it be anal because I don’t want to loose my virginity.” They agree and have thier way. After it is all done the Hippie rips off his mask and says, ” HAHA I’m the Hippie.” Then the Noun rips off her mask and says, ”HAHA, I’m the bus driver!"
Tuesday, February 11
Hippie and the Nun
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