Walks Into a Bar
He orders a beer, takes a drink, and says to the bartender, “I’ve just spent three hours at me wife’s grave.” The bartender says,…
Walks Into a Bar… Beer Brothers – A man walks…
Walks Into a Bar… Different Horses – A guy walks…
Walks Into a Bar… Leprechaun Pee – A leprechaun walks into a bar. After several…
Walks Into a Bar… Drunk Nose – A nose walks into a bar and asks…
Walks Into a Bar… Gator Bite – A guy walks into a bar with a…
Walks Into a Bar… Menu – A guy walks into a bar and sees a…
Walks Into a Bar… Quick Shots – A guy walks into a bar, orders 12…
Walks Into a Bar… Donkeyboy – Bob and Jim walk into a bar. Bob says,…
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